Crown Hair Transplant Real Life Example
In this post, we will show you how the crown hair transplant helped Denis achieve a new hairline and thicker crown!
Denis had been struggling with gradual hair loss for 10 years before he decided to take action.
He thoroughly researched our clinic and checked our references before he opted for a personal examination.
You can follow his example and take a look at our hair transplant before-after photos!
Crown hair transplant consultation
Denis attended our personal consultation in Lyon back in May 2017.
The extent of his hair loss was moderate, affecting mostly the front and just kicking off at the crown area.
He explained that his hair transplant at the crown should also target the frontal area, as the density was low in that region.
During the examination, the doctor found that Denis’ donor area was good enough to extract 5-6000 hairs.
After sizing up the density at the front and the top, the doctor sketched an approximate hairline.
Upon inspecting the crown she found that even though some thinning is visible, only a smaller number of hairs could be implanted to the area.
To rebuild the front and to address the thinning at the crown, the doctor recommended Denis the 6000 hairs hair transplant package.
Denis’ FUE hair transplant at the crown
Denis made his decision to proceed with the hair transplant in early 2018.
His surgery was carried out on the 7-8th of May 2018, with the FUE2 Safe System.
He had 5500 hairs transplanted to the front, and 700 hairs to the crown area as you can see below:
Denis returned home the day after his surgery.
We were happy to learn that his visit was a positive experience, as he kindly left a review about us on Trustpilot:
Very welcoming, modern premises; the staff is very friendly and many speak French. It gives assurance in a stressful situation.
I had approximately 6200 hairs transplanted and the result will be visible in a few months…
Crown hair transplant timeline
Let’s look at the balding crown hair transplant recovery timeline.
Hair transplant on crown after 1 week
We received photos from Denis for his 1st check-up a week after his treatment.
The doctor could confirm that the condition was great. Except for the scabs, the scalp was clean, there was no trace of any disorders.
A bit of redness is completely normal – it usually disappears in 2-4 weeks after the surgery.
Crown hair transplant after 3 weeks
3 weeks after the surgery the scabs were all gone – as they should be.
During the 2nd and 3rd weeks, patients must soak their scalp for about 15 minutes, so the scabs soften up.
Then they can gently massage through the head – just with the fingertips – to help the crusts fall off.
It is crucial to follow these steps because if the scabs stay too long, they might suffocate the implanted roots beneath.
Crown hair transplant after 3 months
As the hairs start to fall out around 4 weeks after the hair transplant, the look gradually returns to that before the surgery.
This stage lasts until the end of the 3rd post-op month.
In this period the implanted area does not need special care or attention.
Patients can use the products they used before the surgery, but it is important to protect the scalp from sunburn.
Crown hair transplant after 6 months
The new hair growth starts around 13-14 weeks after the hair transplant.
From then on the implanted area progresses steadily and approximately 50% of the hairs are visible by the 6th-month mark.
The newly growing hairs might be a bit thicker as the hairs at the back are a bit stronger naturally than the rest at the top of the scalp.
But patients can cut, colour and style them all the same, in any preferred way!
Crown hair transplant final results
1 year after the surgery the result is complete.
After his final check-up in Lyon, his surgeon could gladly confirm that the hairs have grown out very well.
With the surgery, we achieved a nice, natural hairline, and the frontal area has a great density. The improvement is also noticeable at the crown.
Our team was happy to find out that Denis is just as satisfied with the outcome as the surgeon!
How many grafts for crown hair transplant?
The number of grafts needed can vary widely, typically ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 grafts, depending on the extent of the hair loss and desired density.
The price is typically between £5000 and £15000 in the UK. However, you can get the same level of quality at Hairpalace for a fraction of a UK hair transplant.
How long does the crown take to grow after hair transplant?
Hair transplant recovery usually takes between 12 to 15 months. However, the crown can be a tricky area so this may rise to as much as 18 months in some cases.
It’s recommended to sleep with your head elevated on pillows to reduce swelling and avoid dislodging the grafts for the first few nights.
Last medically reviewed on January 23rd, 2025