David Beckham Hair Transplant Story: The Shocking Truth

David Beckham has transcended the fame he earned as a footballer to become an icon in his own right.
He managed to maintain a prestigious public image worldwide even after he retired from professional football.
He’s packed a wealth of amazing achievements into his life so far, despite still being some years away from 50.
We all know he was a star player with Manchester United, but he also showed his remarkable talent on the pitch with Real Madrid, LA Galaxy, and England’s national squad.
David Beckham’s hair remains a common talking point among many fans, along with his supposed hair transplant.
Did he really start to experience hair loss in recent years? Did he undergo a hair transplant to restore his confidence? And if so, which transplant type did he choose to combat his hair thinning?
We’ll try to answer these and other, questions below …
What did David Beckham’s hair look like?
Over the years, Beckham has sported a number of eye-catching haircuts.
In the late ‘90s, he was known for a then-popular look also associated with famous boybands, such as Backstreet Boys and Westlife.
He soon traded this in for a buzz cut, before landing on one of the most iconic David Beckham hairstyles, vibrant blonde highlights, a side-swept fringe, and textured spikes.
This looked fantastic at the time — and it still does almost two decades later.
Highlighted, spiked haircut was a common choice for young men at the time, and it was a far cry from the shaggier style that had dominated much of the ‘90s.
The unkempt look so beloved by fans of Oasis and Blur was much less popular by the time Beckham became an icon and countless males started to take greater care of their appearance.
Soon after, though, the David Beckham hairstyle evolved again — into the now-famous faux hawk.
Beckham helped to popularise this innovative haircut in the early to mid-2000s, though some men and women alike still wear faux hawks proudly today.
His hairstyles continued to change dramatically in subsequent years, as he experimented with no-frills ponytails and sophisticated side-parts, to varied responses.
However, recent media coverage of his hair has focused more on its apparent shedding rather than its trend-setting style.
David Beckham hair transplant timeline
Hair transplant rumours quickly started to circulate in the media, after the former Real Madrid star appeared to be going bald in his early 40s.
He cut his hair short in preparation for a restorative procedure, based on photographs from the summer of 2018.
By September 2018, the David Beckham hair transplant speculation seemed to be well-founded: his hair had clearly grown out from its buzzcut into a thicker, fuller style with no signs of a receding hairline.
This was evident in the pictures taken when he made a notable public appearance in Hong Kong.
David Beckham hair transplant: true or false?
Listen to Dr Gary Linkov’s take on David Beckham’s hair transplant and hair loss evolution.
Beckham has remained tight-lipped about his hair transplant unlike his former teammate Wayne Rooney, who was much more open about his hair loss journey.
But by studying images from later in 2018, we can see that his hair appeared much thicker than it had been earlier in the year.
His hair growth looked more youthful but still natural — a clear sign of a hair transplant.
Beckham visited the best hair clinic he could find in England, regardless of the cost, to ensure getting the best results possible.
Based on all of the available evidence in our opinion it’s certain that Beckham underwent an FUE hair transplant. The star achieved stunning results that truly speak for themselves.
That’s because the latest hair restoration technology enables surgeons to perform transplants with incredible accuracy and efficiency, which is why many celebrities decide to undergo the procedure.
While it’s obvious that a significant change occurred in his hair within a fairly brief period in 2018, there were no scars visible at the end of his healing process.
Many speculated that his change was due to the use of finasteride or perhaps hair fibers, but the shift in his density is too great to be caused by either.
Additionally, while finasteride can stop the progression of hair loss it’s only a short-term solution. Becks regained a big amount of hair which is clear indication of hair transplantation.
Using a hair spray to apply hair fibres is also a viable way of stimulating dense hair, but his hair regrowth and density is consistent with that of hair transplant surgery.
However, pictures captured in the summer of 2020 suggested another procedure might be on the cards as he was seen with a buzz cut.
He appeared to have thinning hair, as he was spotted out and about in the Cotswolds.
If he did get a hair transplant before, would he have another in the future? That’s only for Beckham and his inner circle to know.
At least, until the next time, his luscious hair makes headlines!
What hair transplant did David Beckham have?
David Beckham underwent a hair transplant in 2018, and he opted for an FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction).
The FUE technique is a common solution for anyone looking to restore their hairline and reignite healthy growth for natural, lasting results.
It is considered one of the best ways to resolve hair loss due to male pattern baldness.
David seemingly suffered from this genetic condition from a rather young age so it’s understandable why he would opt for surgery.
A simple one-day surgery was able to resolve his issues with thinning hair and restore his locks to their former glory.
It’s a minimally invasive procedure that leaves no scar, unlike the FUT method.
This is why we believe Beckham opted for this procedure as there is zero scarring anywhere along his scalp.
How can you have the David Beckham hair transplant?
If you’re experiencing hair loss, you may be a suitable candidate for an FUE hair transplant like David Beckham.
This isn’t the case for everyone, though: hair loss on the back and sides of the head can be an issue, as can persistent balding.
For example, an individual affected by male pattern baldness would need to wait for the condition to run its course.
Why? Undergoing a hair transplant procedure before the hair loss pattern stabilises can risk having to undergo additional procedures to keep up with the hair loss.
That’s why a consultation ahead of your surgery is so important.
A surgeon will examine your hair properly to determine if the thinning is likely to continue and whether it may be best to wait before performing the transplant.
HairPalace is dedicated to helping you understand why a hair restoration treatment is right for you.
We use the FUE2 Safe System for every procedure: a state-of-the-art tool that empowers our surgeons with exceptional precision and enables them to achieve the same results as David’s hair transplant surgeons did.
To learn more about our FUE2 hair transplants, get in touch with our expert team today!
Other celebrities who underwent hair transplantation
Last medically reviewed on June 25th, 2024
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